Made for Ludum Dare 51 "Every ten seconds"

Play with WASD or the arrow keys

Do tricks and avoid obstacles to build up points. Every ten seconds the bomb strapped to your chest will explode unless you reach the point quota in time!


- You do tricks by hitting the arrow keys or WASD at the same time (or quickly back to back). For example to do a floop trick hit down and right! This trick will get you points and launch you into the air, where you can follow it up with another trick.

- Doing tricks consecutively will build up a combo and get you bonus points the higher the combo. A combo ends when you touch the ground after being in air, or if you fumble.

- You will fumble if you hit a key combination that doesn't match a trick.

- Doing different types of tricks in one combo will get you bonus style points. Doing as many different tricks as you can before a combo ends can net you a lot of bonus points!

Move list:

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